Is alfalfa good or bad for horses: Check pros and cons

Alfalfa, a popular forage choice for horses, often raises questions regarding its benefits and potential risks. It has been a topic of debate among horse owners and veterinarians for a long time now. Well-known for its rich nutritional profile, it is widely used in equine diets, but it is not without its drawbacks.

This blog aims to discuss the nuances of feeding alfalfa to horses, examining its advantages and disadvantages, to help horse owners make informed decisions about their equine diet.

What is Alfalfa?

Alfalfa, scientifically known as Medicago sativa, is a perennial flowering plant widely cultivated as forage for livestock, especially horses. Originating from warmer temperate climates, it has become a staple in equine diets globally due to its rich nutritional profile.

Characterized by its small purple flowers and trifoliate leaves, alfalfa stands out for its high protein content, essential vitamins, and minerals, particularly calcium. It grows in a bushy form, reaching heights that can vary significantly, and is typically harvested as hay.

Alfalfa's deep root system allows it to access nutrients from deeper soil layers, contributing to its dense nutritional makeup, which is superior to many other forage crops. This makes it not only a nutritious option for horse feed but also a sustainable crop in areas with less fertile soil.

Is Alfalfa Good for Horses?

Alfalfa, known for its high nutritional value, is a common component in horse diets. It's particularly favored for certain groups of horses due to its high mineral, vitamin, and protein content.

Alfalfa for Horses: Pros and Cons

Now, let’s take a look at the major advantages and disadvantages of feeding Alfalfa to your horse:


Nutrient-Rich: Alfalfa is a powerhouse of protein, essential for muscle maintenance and growth, and is rich in calcium, vital for bone health.

Digestive Health: Its high fiber content supports healthy digestion and is often recommended for horses prone to gastric ulcers due to its buffering properties.

Quality Weight Gain: It's an excellent option for underweight horses, providing a dense calorie source for healthy weight gain.


Excessive Weight Gain: For sedentary or overweight horses, alfalfa's high caloric content can contribute to obesity.

Mineral Imbalance: Alfalfa’s high calcium can disrupt the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, potentially leading to mineral imbalances if not correctly balanced with other feeds.

Bloat and Colic Risks: Its rapid fermentation in the gut can increase the risk of digestive disturbances like bloat and colic, especially in horses with sensitive digestive systems.

Benefits of Alfalfa for Horses

Alfalfa’s benefits extend beyond basic nutrition. It is particularly advantageous for specific equine needs such as the following:

Muscle Development: Its high protein content supports muscle development and repair.

Bone Health: Rich in calcium, it aids in maintaining strong bones.

Energy Source: Provides a sustainable energy source for performance horses.

Is Alfalfa Bad for Horses?

Despite being highly nutritious, you might wonder why there’s a debate around it. Why are equine nutritionists in two minds about it? The reason is simple: while alfalfa has many benefits, it’s not suitable for all horses. Below are a few things to consider:

Metabolic Issues: Horses with metabolic issues such as insulin resistance should avoid alfalfa.

Allergies and Sensitivities: Some horses may develop allergic reactions or sensitivities to alfalfa.

Hormonal Effects: Alfalfa contains phytoestrogen, which can affect hormone-sensitive conditions.

What Happens If a Horse Eats Too Much Alfalfa?

Too much of anything can be harmful and alfalfa is no exception. Excessive consumption of alfalfa can lead to several health issues, such as.

Obesity and Laminitis: Excess weight gain, increases the risk of laminitis, a serious hoof condition.

Nutritional Imbalances: Imbalances in nutrient intake, particularly in minerals.

Digestive Issues: Increased risk of colic and bloat due to rapid fermentation in the gut.


Alfalfa can be both beneficial and potentially harmful, depending on the individual horse's needs and health status. Horse owners need to consider their horse’s activity level, overall health, and dietary requirements when incorporating alfalfa into their diet. Speaking to a veterinarian or a professional nutritionist for horses is always recommended to ensure a balanced and safe diet for your horse.


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