How to Tell If a Horse is Pregnant or Fat

As a horse breeder, it’s essential to distinguish between a pregnant mare and an overweight one. While it may seem challenging at first, there are several reliable methods to tell the difference. In this article, we’ll explore six ways to determine whether a horse is pregnant or simply carrying extra weight.

Seven ways to tell if a horse is pregnant or fat


Belly Shape and Size:

Pay attention to the shape and size of the belly to distinguish between the two. A round belly is not always an indicator of pregnancy. However, the belly of a pregnant mare will appear more pendulous and lower than an overweight horse's. Pay attention to the shape and size of the stomach to distinguish between the two.

Abdominal Palpation:

Veterinarians can palpate the mare’s abdomen to detect a developing foal after the first 90 days of pregnancy. This method is a reliable way to determine pregnancy in mares.

Hormone Levels:

A blood test can detect hormone levels such as estrone sulfate can be seen in the mare’s blood after 60 days of pregnancy using a blood test. This method can help you confirm pregnancy and prepare for an upcoming foal.

Changes in Behavior:

Pregnant mares may exhibit changes in behavior, such as increased appetite, nesting behavior, and increased aggression toward other horses. These behavioral changes can help you determine if your mare is pregnant.

Milk Production:

If you notice any discharge or milk production from the mare’s nipples, it’s a powerful sign that she’s pregnant. However, it’s essential to note that not all mares produce milk, so this method should be used with other indicators.

Swelling and Discharge:

As the uterus prepares for foaling, a pregnant mare may experience swelling and discharge from the vulva. This symptom can indicate pregnancy and is an excellent way to differentiate between a pregnant and overweight mare.


Ultrasound can detect pregnancy as early as 14 days after breeding and can see twins, posing a risk to both the mare and foals. This method is an accurate and reliable way to confirm pregnancy.

In conclusion, accurately identifying whether a mare is pregnant or overweight is crucial for horse breeders. Remember, a healthy mare means a healthy foal! By utilizing the methods outlined above, breeders can prepare for an upcoming foal or address any weight gain issues before they become a health concern. Remember, a healthy mare means a healthy foal!


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